Introductory Human Design Reading - 3 ways to play

Choose your reading based on your preferences

You are more unique than you can ever imagine...
The moment you were born tells us the energetic blueprint you carry within you, without you even knowing it!
The details of this and SO much more - including your strengths and talents are revealed in your Human Design chart.

Save yourself a lot of time and effort trying to navigate your own chart once you've understood the highlights and let me hone straight in on what you want to know more of!...

 Right now, there are 3 ways to play!
> Focused on your career and want to understand more about what unique skills you bring to a team? Get your Career By Design - a 15 min audio delivered to your inbox for only £47

> If you're more interested in understanding your gifts, strengths & talents in the broader sense of your life then Get Your Essence of You reading - an easy to follow deep dive from me - delivered to your inbox for you to keep and digest in your own time - only £88

> Want to go ALL IN and right to the heart of who you are and how you came here to play, then get your full HD reading and we'll jump on Zoom for 50mins and you get the recording to keep forever - for only £197

I have been immersed in learning all about my own Human Design as a 2/4 Emotional Manifestor for the last 4 years, and am now excited to help my clients understand theirs as a Certified Human Design Reader.

You will receive your audio file via email within 48 hours of completing the form that you'll receive immediately after purchasing. If you've booked a full reading I will reach out to book you in right away!

I cannot wait to help you see yourself more clearly

Who you came here to be and what you came here to do in this lifetime is literally written in the stars...

Career By Design (a 15 min audio)


  • Learn about the unique skills that you bring to teams that can inform your career direction

Show My Unique Skills

The Essence of You (a 30 min audio)


  • An overview of the key pieces of your chart that make up WHO you came here to be and how you best operate

Show Me My Essence!

Full Human Design Reading (50min Zoom)


  • Go deep into the layers of your design, with the opportunity to get your questions answered

Let's Go Deep!